Other salons are cheaper than Figaro. Why is that?
Thanks for asking. Brilliant question. Recently, we got this asked after a colour consultation. The client asked around in other salons and got a significantly cheaper quote for colour elsewhere. We all like a good bargain, don’t we? It’s only right that...
How to embrace your grey hair
Every once in a while, clients approach us with questions like these: What can I do to make my grey hair look better? I don’t want to hide it, I don’t want to dye it, but I also don’t want it to look like I don’t care about it. Any suggestions?...
Your dream hair – just a Whatsapp away
Maybe you are wondering: What is a hair colour consultation all about? How does it work? How do I reach out to you guys? Tell me all about it! Well, thanks for asking, and first of all, hi. This is Figaro London, Hair & Beauty. We started this free online hair...